
Below are various projects I've completed over the course of my degree.

Airport Simulator

Spring 2023

GitHub Repository Link Here

  • Program that simulates & tracks flights between airports.
  • Can book flights for travelers and keep track of who is on which flight and where each flight is going.
  • Written in Python, the program can be imported as a package and run in a jupyter nutebook or can be run from the command line.
  • Uses several patterns of Object Oriented Programming including:
    • Strategy Pattern
    • Factory Pattern
    • Singleton Pattern
    • Observer Pattern
    • Decorator Pattern

Connect Four with Alpha-Beta Pruning and A-Star

Fall 2022

  • Simulates games of ConnectFour with various player strategies, including strategies derived from selecting moves randomly, and selecting moves with various algorithms.
  • Algorithms used to simulate a player's strategy include:
    • MiniMax algorithm
    • MiniMax algorithm with Alpha-Beta Pruning
    • A-Star algorithm with AB Pruning
  • Uses Jupyter Notebooks to implement algorithms studied in several classes including Intro to Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms, & Data Science with Probability and Statistics.

Shell Terminal

Fall 2021

  • This was a program that I created in C as part of a class project that simulates a simple shell terminal.
  • The code simulates common commands that a user types into a terminal. It simulates simple commands like ls, pwd, cd, and others.
  • It is able to use the custom terminal to modify the contents of the current working directory.

Math Whiz-ard

Summer 2021

  • Designed & developed web app allowing young users to practice and improve skills on a variety of basic math problems.
  • Managed five-person team working with agile/scrum methodologies to meet deadlines on time.
  • Programmed using CSS, JavaScript, HTML and more. Deployed on Heroku utilizing Docker containers.
  • Website no longer running due to costs.


Spring 2021

  • Created a local version control system in C++ for managing changes to a repository.
  • Developed system to track historical changes made to any type of files and revert to specific versions in the repository.
  • Runs within local directory and is able to make changes to the current working directory.

Covid-19 Tracker

March-November 2020

  • I made this project during lockdown in the pandemic. It tracks and visualizes the spread of Covid-19 using datasets provided by Johns Hopkins.
  • Since it's made in Python, the program is able to be imported as a package and run in a jupyter notebook. This can be used to create pdfs of customized graphs and data related to the spread of Covid-19 in the US.